ThermoSeed® among finalists in world’s largest environmental award - The Food Planet Prize

When The Curt Bergfors Food Planet Prize announced its shortlist for the world’s largest environmental award 2024– ThermoSeed was one of the finalists.

The prize with a $2-millions award sum is dedicated exclusively to reducing the environmental impact of the way we eat, and highlights solutions poised to make a positive change in the global food system within a ten-year time frame.

The seven finalists were picked from more than thousand nominations, after evaluation by the Food Planet Prize in-house nominations team, followed by academic reviews by leading external experts.

“ThermoSeed uses a unique method of pasteurizing seeds with hot steam, removing harmful fungi, bacteria, and insects without applying chemicals. This steam treatment is an alternative to synthetic pesticides and fungicides, which are one of the most harmful aspects of modern farming.”

Read the committees full story on “ThermoSeed – A Swedish Seed Solution”:

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